Why biceps don't grow is a question that novice bodybuilders ask. It is much more difficult and reverent to care for biceps than for other muscles of the body. Therefore, quite often, mistakes are made during training.

Strong biceps are one of the main signs of a healthy and attractive body. But why, even with regular training, do they not grow? Most likely, when pumping up the muscles of the arms, mistakes are made that prevent the biceps from growing.
Mistake # 1
Perhaps the most common misconception is that the more often you swing your biceps, the faster it will grow. The arm muscles are actively involved in many other exercises performed in the gym. Therefore, doing special exercises for the biceps more than once a week leads to overtraining of the arms.
Typically, muscles grow during rest, not during exercise. Therefore, if you want biceps growth, you need to exercise once a week. Let your arm muscles rest and repair.
Mistake # 2
You are not exercising or not exercising enough other muscles. The biceps grows along with the rest of the muscles. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the hands, but also to the whole body.
Mistake # 3
One of the main reasons is unbalanced nutrition during intense training. Eat only healthy foods, in small portions, at least 4 times a day. Drink plenty of water. Because, it plays an important role in maintaining body temperature and high muscle tone.
Mistake # 4
Incorrect exercise technique. The most important thing is to choose the right sports equipment based on your physical capabilities. Before adding the load, you should correctly work out the technique of performing the exercise for the growth of the biceps.
Mistake # 5
Do only one exercise, ignoring the others. There are many ways to build biceps. To get the result, you must include at least 3 exercises in your training program. For example, curls with dumbbells, pull-ups with a reverse grip, curls of the arms on a Scott bench. Your arm muscles can get used to quickly, so try different exercises. They should be done 3 exercises once a week.
Mistake # 6
That without which any training is impossible is discipline. A lazy person who skips a workout will never succeed. Classes require regularity and dedication.
Therefore, in order to pump up biceps, you must:
- a properly developed training program;
- follow the technique of execution;
- healthy food;
- a combination of various exercises;
- discipline.