Some people unjustifiably believe that jumping rope is useful only for children. But, in addition to having fun, jumping burns extra calories and forces almost all muscles to strain. Therefore, learning to jump rope is important for those who follow their figure.

How to choose a rope
Jumping rope tones up almost all muscles. Other than that, jumping is a cardio exercise. As a result, the body quickly acquires a toned appearance, excess weight goes away, and the body's endurance is added. When choosing a rope, you need to pay special attention not to its appearance, but to its length. When folded in half, the rope should be equal to the length from the armpit to the floor. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to learn how to jump rope.
Fitness jump ropes do not have handles. Instead, knots are made at the ends. For strength exercises, jump ropes with weights are used. Also on sale you can find jump ropes with jump counters. But for training, it is best to take the most ordinary rope.
How to learn to jump rope
To learn how to jump rope, you need to find a quiet and peaceful place. Whenever possible, exercise is best done outdoors. In the room, you should pay attention to the height of the ceilings and the absence of furniture that interferes with the movement of the rope. Ideally, the jumps will be performed for at least 15 minutes without interruption. The exercise should be done 3 times a week, allowing the muscles to recover on the weekends.
When jumping, try to breathe only through your nose. It is necessary to land not on the whole foot, but on the toes, with light, smooth movements. The knees should be slightly bent at the time of landing. For a start, it is better to do slow rotations. This will help instill a sense of rhythm. The shoulders do not work during jumping, only the hands are used. The rope should not whip across the floor. All actions should be smooth, without strong stress. If, nevertheless, pain or tension in the muscles appears, then it is better to interrupt the workout.
To learn how to jump rope, you need to try to hang in the air as long as possible.
In order for rope training to be as effective as possible, you need to do the exercise as long as possible without interruption. At the same time, more energy is spent during high jumps.
Contraindications for jumping rope
Despite all the effectiveness and benefits, jumping rope is not allowed to be performed by all people. Before trying to learn how to jump rope, you should go to the doctor. Only if the specialist excludes obesity, diseases of the joints or the cardiovascular system, you can begin to do this exercise.