CrossFit is rapidly gaining ground. CrossFit is often characterized by the media as one of the fastest growing sports movements on the planet. What is CrossFit? What is its peculiarity?

CrossFit is a workout that focuses on doing exercises one after the other, with no breaks between sets. As a rule, basic multi-joint exercises are used in CrossFit, such as deadlifts and other deadlifts, squats, snatches, jerks, pull-ups, push-ups. That is, such exercises, when performed, involve a large number of muscles in the work.
But exercises with free weight are also possible, without weights (pull-ups, jumps, push-ups from the floor, etc.). Also in CrossFit, aerobic exercises are used: running, jumping rope, swimming, rowing, cycling, etc. In CrossFit, there is not such a load as in bodybuilding, it is a combination of strength and aerobic. Exercises from other sports can also be included here: light and weightlifting, artistic gymnastics.
Absolutely all exercises are performed with very high intensity and are aimed at:
- increasing the body's endurance;
- the efficiency of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems;
- power power;
- flexibility;
- coordination;
- speed;
- fast adaptation to changing loads;
- accuracy.
Since the heart rate rises rapidly during CrossFit, such workouts contribute to weight loss. The whole point is precisely in the absence of intervals between approaches, in the absence of rest. The body must adapt from one type of load to immediately switch to another.
CrossFit programs have both their drawbacks and significant advantages. Crossfit classes are very good for those who want to train body endurance and lose weight. But they are not suitable for everyone, since a very fast pace of training can lead to health problems, this applies to untrained people. Therefore, before choosing a CrossFit program, you should definitely consult with an experienced trainer.