Almost all experts agree that push-ups in general and push-ups from the bars in particular are one of the most effective exercises that affect all muscle groups of the upper body at once. With the correct and intensive performance of such exercises, you can achieve amazing results - tighten and shape the muscles of the chest, trapezium, make your shoulders wide, and your posture correct.

Step 1
There are several types of bar push-ups. First, you can do push-ups by placing both arms and legs on the uneven bars. That is, you will occupy the same starting position as with regular push-ups from the floor, but due to the fact that you will sag lower than your arms and legs are located, the load on the muscles will be much greater, and the exercises will be more effective.
Step 2
Secondly, you can do push-ups from the bars with your legs down. In this case, you can take your legs back and swing only the muscles of the chest and arms, or you can stretch your legs perpendicular to the body and also swing the muscles of the press.
Step 3
So, start push-ups in the correct starting position. Position yourself between the bars, leaning on straight arms, grabbing the bars with your palms towards you.
Step 4
Next, take a deep breath and begin to lower yourself slowly, bending your elbows, just as you would with regular push-ups from the floor. Sink as deep as your strength and stamina are enough.
Step 5
Then begin to smoothly and slowly rise upward, unbending your arms. At the point of the highest muscle tension, exhale to help yourself return to the starting position. Do several reps, changing your push-up technique to work your chest and triceps muscles at the same time. In order to concentrate the main load on the triceps, keep your body straight, without bending forward, and press your hands as close to the body as possible. In order for more load to fall on the chest muscles, it is necessary to do the opposite - to spread the elbows to the sides and tilt the body forward. Another way to build exactly the pectoral muscles is to exercise on widely spaced uneven bars. However, performing this exercise is fraught with shoulder injuries - you can stretch the muscles or even dislocate the shoulder joint.
Step 6
If you think your muscles are already quite different, you can do weights. For this, gyms have special belts with a carabiner, on which you can hang additional weight, for example, a pancake from a barbell. Weighted exercises are much more effective than simple push-ups, but, on the other hand, can lead to injuries, so they must be done very carefully.