How To Do It On The Uneven Bars

How To Do It On The Uneven Bars
How To Do It On The Uneven Bars

One of the most popular strength training equipment is the gymnastic bars. Several types of exercises can be performed on them, allowing you to work out different muscle groups. Exercises on the uneven bars do not require special skills, if you have skill and as you gain experience, you can easily master this projectile.

How to do it on the uneven bars
How to do it on the uneven bars

Standard gymnastic bars are two horizontal bars fixed to vertical posts. Racks have height adjustment and a reliable locking mechanism. The bars are usually located parallel to each other, but if desired, the distance between them and the angle of the relative position of the crossbars can be changed. In halls for athletic gymnastics, a "truncated" version of the bars is often found, which is compact and has additional capabilities for regulating the load. Gymnastic bars are traditionally designed for training gymnasts and involve not only the implementation of simple elements, but also complex acrobatic complexes. For ordinary strength gymnastics, aimed at general physical development and building muscle mass, it is enough to perform push-ups on the uneven bars, exercises for coordination of movements and development of the press. To perform push-ups on the uneven bars, grab them and lock your body on your arms outstretched downward. In this case, the weight of the body will act as a burden. Begin to bend your elbows, tilting your body forward slightly. Try to keep your chin down and your legs slightly bent when completing the assignment. Having reached the bottom point, straighten your arms with effort, returning to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times. The main load with such push-ups falls on the muscles of the chest and triceps. To develop your abs, take the starting position described above. Without bending your arms, raise your straightened and brought together legs to a horizontal position and fix it for a few seconds. Lower your legs slowly. Repeat the exercise until you feel that you have reached the maximum. For beginners, it is recommended to begin with the task not with straight legs, but with bent legs, pulling the knees to the stomach. When exercising on the uneven bars, try to diversify the exercises and load. This can be achieved by changing the grip from outside to inside, as well as adjusting the angle and distance between the bars. This will develop different muscle groups. For example, with a very wide arrangement of the bars, the outer part of the chest develops well. At the initial stage, plan the load in such a way that each exercise includes 3-5 approaches to the apparatus, 8-10 repetitions in each of them. After reaching a certain level of fitness, push-ups may seem too easy for you. In this case, you need to artificially increase your weight. For this purpose, a special belt is used, to which an additional load is attached. Keep in mind that fewer moderate reps are required to build muscle, and higher reps are required to work out the relief.
