How To Work A Weighted Press

How To Work A Weighted Press
How To Work A Weighted Press

As a rule, a young man beginning to play sports dreams of six cubes on his stomach, which will clearly demonstrate to others how much time and effort he spends on working on himself. So that such a result is not long in coming, it is worth adding weights to the abdominal exercises.

How to work a weighted press
How to work a weighted press

In fact, provided the correct approach to exercise and a balanced diet aimed at burning fat and increasing muscle mass, building a relief press is not very difficult for a man. A much more difficult task is faced by those who are determined at all costs to maintain the achieved result for a long time. To do this, you can use weights when doing abdominal exercises.

Exercise of the rectus abdominis muscle with weights

In order to qualitatively work out the lower press, which is somewhat more difficult for most people to pump up than the upper one, an exercise such as lifting legs with weights from a prone position is effective. To do this, use the weights on your shins, or attach cables to them to create more load, then lie on an incline bench so that your head is above your hips. Raise the legs bent at the knees, trying to bring them closer to the elbows; do repetitions until a burning sensation in the muscles appears. Perform several approaches with breaks between them no more than 2 minutes.

An indirect exercise on the press, which, however, contributes to its excellent study, is the squat with the barbell raised above the head. When you hone it to perfection, your abs will be rock solid.

When using special weight equipment for your press exercises - dumbbells, leg weights, a deadlift machine - don't stop at any one weight. If your goal is beautiful, prominent and dense muscles, the load on the press should be gradually increased, because a person's muscles tend to get used to it and stop growing.

How to work with weights the lateral abdominal muscles

Please note that before using weights to work out the lateral abdominal muscles, you should perform developmental exercises without it. The fact is that first you need to get rid of fat deposits in this area, and only after that you can begin to "grow" the lateral muscles of the press: only in this case, their increased volume will look aesthetically pleasing.

One of the basic exercises for these muscles is bending to the side with dumbbells clamped in the hand and wound behind the head. Do not listen to those who advise taking dumbbells in each hand to increase the load - on the contrary, this balances the load on both lateral muscles and at the same time reduces the effectiveness of this exercise. Do 10-20 reps in each direction for 3-4 sets.

You should not load the abdominal muscles more often than 3-4 times a week. If your goal is to gain a beautiful relief, remember that in order to grow, muscles must have time to recover from a workout. This takes approximately two days. Work at exactly this pace, and after a couple of months you will notice admiring looks of girls and envious ones - men.
