Before embarking on any type of sports exercise, be it playing basketball, jogging or lifting the barbell, it is necessary to warm up all muscle groups and especially those that you plan to load during training.

Step 1
Do some light aerobic exercise for 10-15 minutes. The duration of these exercises will depend on your fitness level. For example, if you are going to jog, warm up your leg muscles with gentle swings and jogging in place. To prepare your muscles for the barbell exercise, exercise for a few minutes on the treadmill, then stop and perform circular motion with your hands.
Step 2
Keep in mind that the more active and longer you plan to train, the more intense and longer the warming up of the muscles should be. More time for the preparatory period should be given to beginners, since their body has not yet adapted to the rapid mobilization of forces. For people who have been involved in sports for a long time, the body, as it were, "remembers" the entire training regime - accordingly, it is easier for them to integrate into work.
Step 3
After warming up, it is necessary to do muscle stretching exercises, which are very important for maintaining the flexibility of the body. Stretching the calf and tibial muscles markedly improves the mobility of the whole body. In addition, regular stretching will help to correct posture and get rid of pain and discomfort in the lower back and shoulder girdle, from stiffness of movements.
Step 4
Repeat the stretch after completing each exercise. Work on all muscles and joints; pay attention to the muscles of the back, lower back, chest, muscle groups of the back and front of the thighs, buttocks, develop the arms and wrists, neck joints, lower legs, hip joints.
Step 5
Allocate an average of 15-20 seconds to stretch each muscle group, gradually increasing the exercise time to one minute. Stretch smoothly so as not to injure your ligaments, joints, and muscles. During exercise, the muscles should feel tension, but not pain. Breathe in calmly, deeply, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.
Step 6
Stretching after your workout will relax your muscles and help your body return to its normal rhythm of life. Never stretch unheated muscles, this is fraught with the appearance of many microtraumas.
Step 7
When moving on to the actual exercise, stick to the correct technique. In bodybuilding in particular, do not start with heavy weights right away, increase the load as the muscles warm up. Do not neglect the help of the insurer, in some exercises it is impossible to do without it.