For those practicing in any section of martial arts, an important task arises - to train the speed of strikes. Moreover, this component needs to be trained along with strength and general physical fitness.

- - gloves;
- - sports wear;
- - makiwars;
- - pneumatic bag;
- - partner;
- - tennis ball;
- - thread.
Step 1
Practice a simulated impact in place. Speed comes only after working out a technique that a coach or partner should show you. Remember to use your footwork for the slash. Bend both arms at the elbows: hold one by your face, the other slightly behind. Lean slightly to the side, taking your right leg back. Next, sharply return the leg to its starting position and throw your hand forward as sharply as possible, while clenching your fist at the end of the movement. Repeat this exercise in turn for each hand for each workout.
Step 2
Work with a pneumatic bag. Another way to develop speed is to strike at this type of projectile. As a rule, such a pear has a free play, and when touched, it strikes sharply against the upper fasteners. This exercise will allow you to develop incredible reactions. Take a medium pace and alternately hit the pneumatic apparatus with both hands. You will soon notice how much the speed of the blows has increased.
Step 3
Hit the tennis sword. This type of work is similar to a pneumatic bag, but it is an order of magnitude more difficult, since it is much more difficult to hit the ball. Poke a hole in the ball with an awl, thread the thread through it and secure it so that the ball does not fly too far. Get some punches and try to catch the pace. Hit the ball at least 200 times in one workout.
Step 4
Study with a partner. Now practice the punches by working on the boxing paws. Ask your partner to put on hard makiwars on both hands and start hitting them alternately with the right and left hands. Try to hit faster and faster every time. Also, make sure that the punch does not resemble a makiwara push. Try to hit in such a way that your partner cannot see the movement. This will be a manifestation of mastery that you will master over time. Train with a partner in this way each workout for at least 30-40 minutes.