Often in the life of an athlete there comes such a period that it becomes clear that for a certain period of time it is necessary to leave the sport. But do not forget that the body is already accustomed to certain rhythms and stress. It is impossible to completely deprive him of sports, this can lead to the most disastrous consequences. Therefore, the process of "leaving sports" is better called a "temporary break". How do you arrange such a "break"?

Vitamins, protein foods, amino acids
Step 1
The most important components of sports success in our time are excellent physical condition and psychological stability. Moreover, these factors are interrelated - physical development is impossible without peace of mind. Therefore, the decision to leave the sport for a while in many cases will help you understand your personal life and career on the one hand, and get in great shape on the other.
Step 2
It is very important to maintain physical activity, in one form or another. If you ski a lot, go for recreational jogging and tobogganing. The loads are not inferior to the previous ones, but changing the activity will bring a lot of variety into your life. Fill it with communication with interesting people, become a coach in a children's school. Communication with children will bring a lot of bright colors into your life. In addition, children respect professional athletes - and this will add confidence in your abilities.
Step 3
The difference between professional sports and physical education with its training "for oneself" is of paramount importance: sport, especially in its highest manifestations, is more harmful than beneficial to health. Therefore, a temporary time-out, with the right approach, will improve your physical condition. One of the most important components of "on vacation" is the right diet. Spend more time eating than before. If you used to eat in sports canteens and ate "pasture" food - more often go to restaurants and cafes with nice people. The main thing is to keep the protein balance in the norm - eat more meat, eggs, dairy products. Such a protein diet will allow you to stay at your peak for a long time.