Nice and broad shoulders can be obtained by doing deltoid exercises. The correct functioning of the shoulder joint and scapula depends on their condition.

Step 1
In the starting position, place your hands below, taking them into the lock. Move your right hand upward with even force. Press with your left hand on your right hand, trying not to let it rise up. At the same time, pressure will be exerted on the right deltoid muscle, which contributes to its development and growth. Swap hands and repeat the exercise.

Step 2
In the initial position, the arms are raised up parallel to the floor. The brushes are closed in a lock. Lower your left hand with effort, while resisting with your right hand. The resistance force can be adjusted by moving the right hand closer to the shoulder. This exercise allows you to load the anterior bundle of the deltoid muscle well.

Step 3
In the starting position, the right elbow is parallel to the floor. The left hand covers it from above and tries to lower it down. Raise your right elbow up at its highest amplitude. Swap your hands and do this exercise again. Thus, the middle and lateral bundles of fibers of the deltoid muscles develop.

Step 4
An exercise similar to the previous one. But here the pressing effort goes down, and the resistance effort tends up. In addition to the deltoid muscle, the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis muscles are involved in this exercise.

Step 5
In the starting position, the right arm is bent at the elbow and raised up. The fold should be at a right angle between the shoulder and forearm. Grab your right hand with your left hand. Move your right hand to the left with even force. Use your left hand to apply pressure to your right hand. Change hands and repeat the exercise.

Step 6
In the initial position, the hands are in front of the chest. Move your left hand up, pushing down on it with your right hand. This exercise actively develops the rotator cuff muscles.

Step 7
Sit down at table. The elbow of the right hand in the starting position should be located on the table. The left hand presses on the palm of the right hand. Bend your right arm towards the table surface. This exercise resembles a hand wrestling.

Step 8
In the initial position, the elbow of the left hand is raised up, and the hands are closed in a lock. With your left hand, press on your right hand, moving them to the other side. This exercise puts tremendous effort on the deltoid and trapezius muscles.