Equestrian sport is the most spectacular sport of all. But there are various difficulties in it.

The first difficulty lies in the financial side of the issue. Horse harness and rider outfit cost quite a lot of money, let alone the maintenance of the animal itself.
The second difficulty lies in the correct training of the horse. Training should take place in the presence of an experienced trainer. Making small mistakes in the upbringing of a sports horse becomes very difficult to correct them, and sometimes it is not possible to eliminate them completely.
But the biggest challenge is the danger. The horse is a rather unpredictable animal. Like all herbivores, when danger comes, she is ready to run in any direction, just to be saved. The danger, in her opinion, can come from anything. Let it be some kind of unfamiliar thing that this animal has never seen. The rider may not notice such an object, but the horse will find it first, the fright may occur unexpectedly, from which the rider will most likely end up on the ground. In case of apparent danger, the horse can carry, and it will not stop. The stop will happen only when the horse realizes that nothing threatens him. Sitting on a frightened and very fast galloping animal is quite difficult and even experienced riders often find themselves at the bottom.
The horse is a very large animal. Equestrian sport includes various types, where there are different obstacles for a sports couple to overcome. In this case, the fall of the horse itself is not excluded, in which injury to the animal can occur, as well as its weight, the horse can press down on the rider. Incorrectly selected, as well as outdated ammunition can harm both animals and humans. When the rider falls, his legs often become entangled in the stirrups, which leads to injury to the rider's limbs. If the saddle is worn incorrectly or the bridle is not suitable, the horse can receive various abrasions and, accordingly, injuries.
Despite the colorfulness, showiness and excitement of equestrian sports, you must always remember first of all about safety precautions, not only while in the saddle, but also next to the horse. Disregard of all or some of the rules can lead to irreparable consequences.