Strength, muscle mass and detailed relief are the main goals of those who begin athletic gymnastics. All these components are important, but to create a harmoniously folded figure, the first step is to build muscle mass. The pumped up muscles will be the foundation on which to build an athletic body.

- - barbell;
- - dumbbells;
- - gymnastic bar;
- - gymnastic bars;
- - power trainers.
Step 1
Create an initial muscle building program based on a weekly exercise cycle of 3-4 workouts. On the first day of the cycle, do exercises to develop the muscles of the back and chest, on the second training day, use the muscles of the arms and shoulders, and devote the rest of the day to work on the formation of the muscles of the legs. Take a separate workout to work on the abdominal press. As you exercise, incorporate abdominal exercises with each strength workout.
Step 2
Use free weights - barbells and dumbbells to pump up different muscle groups. Include in the program the press of a barbell standing and lying, raising arms with dumbbells, squats with weights. For chest development exercises, use a special bench with a variable incline.
Step 3
If you work out in an athletic gym, use weights and pulleys to build up your muscles. Exercise machines allow you to fix the body during exercise and more subtly dose the load.
Step 4
To develop muscles in your back, chest, and arms, do pull-ups on the bar, as well as push-ups from the floor and on parallel bars. After the end of the retraction cycle and reaching the level of intermediate training, use additional weights when performing exercises on these apparatus.
Step 5
Build up the load gradually and evenly. Keep in mind that muscle fibers get used to a stable load that does not change over time, so muscle growth may stall. For muscle growth, put them into a state of stress by increasing the weight of the apparatus, the number of repetitions and sets. For better muscle growth, repeat each strength exercise at least eight times in one approach.
Step 6
Give your body plenty of time to rest and relax. It's best to have a day or two rest between strength training. Sleep should be at least eight hours; it is during sleep that hormones are produced that regulate muscle growth, and metabolic processes are slowed down, which also contributes to an increase in muscle fibers.