How To Take Creatine Effectively

How To Take Creatine Effectively
How To Take Creatine Effectively

Creatine is a nitrogen-containing acid that is important in energy metabolism, which is important for strength training. In the human body, it is produced from three amino acids - arginine, glycine and methionine. Creatine can also be obtained from food or as a stand-alone supplement.

How to take creatine effectively
How to take creatine effectively

Correct dosage

Human muscles are unable to store creatine all the time. They can assimilate only the volume that they need at the moment. For this reason, taking in excess of the norm is meaningless. So, taking less than 5 g of creatine daily, the athlete may not notice the effect, and the use of more than 15 g is already meaningless.


In this case, the dosage of creatine is individual, because it depends on the weight of a person's muscle mass. So, for a bodybuilder with a small and medium weight, the optimal dose can be considered 5-10 g per day. Heavyweights should consume at least 10-15 g.

What is creatine loading

Many hardware lovers have heard about it. Its essence lies in doubling the dose of creatine during the first week of taking. Usually, at first, the daily dosage is 20 g. Gradually, it decreases to the usual values.


The main purpose of such a load is to build up mass more quickly. However, the effect of taking creatine will be similar. It's just that when loading, muscle saturation will occur a few days earlier, nothing more. It turns out that this method is of little use. For this reason, many athletes do not practice it.

How long to drink creatine

This supplement has no negative effects, so it can be safely consumed without pauses. But there is a nuance - the body, with continuous intake, can get used to creatine. As a result, in the future, the muscles simply will not respond to the supplement.


The recommended duration of admission is about 1, 5 - 2 months. After that, it is recommended to take a short break.

Admission rules

When it enters muscle cells, creatine breaks down, and the lion's share. It has long been known that insulin helps to deliver it in the most complete form. The easiest way to increase its concentration in the blood is to eat something sweet inside. Therefore, creatine should be mixed with a gainer, juice or any other sweet drink before taking.


Experts point out that the time of day for creatine intake does not matter. Many athletes drink it in the morning because it has a slight tonic effect. On the day of training, creatine is best consumed immediately after the end of the session. The daily portion can be taken at one time or divided into two doses. It will not be worse from such a division, but fractional use is advisable only when you need to drink 10 or more grams per day.


Which creatine is better

Experts advise to focus on the price of the product when buying, since American and European in quality practically do not differ from each other. The cheapest option is creatine powder.
