Exercises For The Inner Thigh

Exercises For The Inner Thigh
Exercises For The Inner Thigh

For most women, the problem area is the legs. And if you tighten the buttocks and make the hips rounded - it's not so difficult, then it is very difficult to correctly work out the inner surface of the thigh. You need to perform a certain set of exercises for this part of the leg to become attractive.

Exercises for the inner thigh
Exercises for the inner thigh

Exercises for the inner thigh

Before starting any workout, you need to prepare the body for the load. Cardio is a good way to warm up. In the gym, this can be a stepper, exercise bike, ellipsoid, or treadmill. At home, it is recommended to jump over the rope, if the area does not allow, then you can jump on the spot, but without using equipment. The optimal warm-up time is 7-10 minutes. After the muscles have warmed up, it's time to start exercising on the inner thigh.

For the first exercise, you will need a chair or window sill as a support. You need to stand up straight, legs apart at the maximum width, socks are turned to the sides, hands are on the support. Now slowly do squats in such a way that the hips are parallel with the floor. In this position, linger for a few seconds and slowly, without jerking, rise. When returning to the starting position, you do not need to fully straighten your legs. By doing the exercises correctly, the muscles of the inner thigh will be in constant tension. When squatting, you need to monitor the lower back, it should not bend. It is recommended to do 3 sets of 15-20 times.

The next exercise is swing. To do this, you need to lie on the floor, on your right side. Bend the left leg at the knee and place it in front of the left. In this case, the sock will be almost perpendicular to the body. Place the head on the arm bent at the elbow. Now you need to slowly raise your right leg up, as high as possible and also slowly lower it, but do not put it on the floor. You need to do 15-20 repetitions in 3 sets, and then change the side.

Another effective exercise for your inner thigh is Thrust. To do this, you need to lie on the floor. People who are just beginning classes can completely sit on their backs, and put their hands under the buttocks. The more trained should "stand" with their elbows on the floor. Now you need to raise the straight limbs up, while the angle between the legs and the floor will be 90 degrees. Further, the legs converge and diverge, while overlaps are made: one foot "flies" after the other. You need to repeat at least 25 times in 3 sets. It is recommended to gradually increase the number of times. This exercise is considered one of the best for working out the inner thigh.

What else to do for the best effect?

In order for the process of improving the inner thigh to go faster, it is recommended to review your diet and give preference to proper nutrition. Refuse too fatty, fried and spicy foods, as well as fast foot, carbonated drinks, sweet and starchy foods. The best way to prepare food is by boiling, baking or steaming.

In addition to nutrition, you can use moisturizing body lotions and wrap in a course of 10-15 procedures. All this will help restore skin tone and attractive appearance.
