What Time To Do Sports

What Time To Do Sports
What Time To Do Sports

What time of day is the best time to exercise is a controversial question that often worries athletes and lovers of an active lifestyle. There are different opinions on this matter.

What time to do sports
What time to do sports

Morning or evening?

There is no universal answer to the question of when is it better to go in for sports. There is an opinion that people are divided into different types depending on their internal biorhythms, as a rule, these are "owls" and "larks". If we take this factor seriously, we can make a completely logical conclusion that the sporting achievements of larks will be higher in the morning hours, and owls - in the evening. But not everything is so simple.

There is a widespread belief that the best time to exercise is in the morning. On the one hand, this is true, since a well-awakened body gets a boost of vigor for the whole day and helps to stay more active until the evening. This is the meaning of morning exercises. Another thing is that exercise and a full-fledged workout are two different things. An excellent option to cheer up in the morning is articular gymnastics, light stretching, invigorating breathing exercises. Some people prefer jogging.

It is believed that early in the morning is the ideal time for yoga, especially since the stomach is empty after the night.

But classes in the morning in the gym, intense strength and aerobic exercise in the morning are not suitable for everyone, and here everything is very individual. Someone wakes up instantly and is immediately ready for accomplishments, and someone comes to for an hour or two, loves to slowly pull their muscles without getting out of bed. For such people, the sudden transition to activity after waking up is a real stress. As a result, they fizzle out and barely have enough energy for the rest of the day.

For some, the ideal time for fitness is evening. Then it is also a way to relieve stress and tension after a working day, finally give the muscles a load, and if this is yoga, then calm the body and mind for a sound and healthy sleep.

Thus, a person must decide for himself when he is comfortable giving himself physical activity. A modern person often has to coordinate the time of classes with his work schedule and other matters. In addition, on different days and at different times, a person may feel differently. Sometimes the body itself requires a load at the current moment of time, and sometimes a severe breakdown makes effective training almost impossible. Women are also often dependent on how they feel during their period.

Of course, professional athletes usually do not have the opportunity to choose a comfortable time for training. they have to adhere to a certain schedule that is not always consistent with personal preference.

Important points

One thing can be said - it's better to postpone your workout for a couple of hours if you've just had a hearty lunch. The exercise will not be effective when the body is busy with digestion. Excessive activities should be avoided later than two hours before bedtime to avoid insomnia.
