How To Do Biathlon

How To Do Biathlon
How To Do Biathlon

Table of contents:


Biathlon is a popular sport in Russia. And to a large extent, this popularity is facilitated by the success of Russian biathletes in international competitions. The climatic conditions of our country are very conducive to the training of biathletes - snow in many regions of the country lasts 3-5 months a year, although training can be carried out in the summer.

How to do biathlon
How to do biathlon


Step 1

You can start biathlon classes at any age - it all depends on your desire. The section accepts children from the age of 8-11 years, but if you wish, you can agree on the admission of a younger child. Trainings with beginners are carried out with ski training - children learn to stand on skis and run their first distances. Over time, the distances run increase, the load on the shoulders is added. Shooting training begins a year later.

Step 2

Those wishing to engage in biathlon, first of all, must be healthy and have no medical contraindications to this sport. It doesn't matter if your health is not good - after several months of exercise, the body will noticeably get stronger. However, many chronic diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems can become serious obstacles to training.

Step 3

Also, you need appropriate equipment for classes. Ski suit, warm enough, but not hindering movement, warm and comfortable ski boots. Skis and poles are purchased by the athlete independently. At first, professional skis are not required, ordinary skis are enough, the main thing is that they fit the height and weight of the student. Rifles are handed out by the trainer in the sports section.

Step 4

Most of the youth biathlon sections are free or charge a nominal fee. Therefore, parents of young athletes have to spend only on inventory and equipment. The cost of training for adults depends on the qualifications of the trainer and the level of equipment of the ski base.

Step 5

Trainings are held at ski distances and in a special shooting range. Ski training is given more time than shooting training. In the warm season, they train on special skis with wheels - roller skis. Cross-country running with ski poles. Shooting training, as already mentioned, begins in the second year of training, since during the first year most of the random people who, for one reason or another, are not suitable for biathlon are “weeded out”.

Step 6

Ski training in biathlon increases the body's endurance and performance, strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and contributes to the formation of a sports figure. Shooting training builds restraint, focus and self-control. So, even if the athlete does not achieve high achievements in biathlon, he will be provided with good health for many years.
