How To Pump Triceps

How To Pump Triceps
How To Pump Triceps

Table of contents:


Big hands are every man's dream. But not everyone knows that the mass of the arm is sixty percent of the mass of the triceps. Triceps are much easier to train than biceps. In order to swing triceps, a few basic exercises are enough, the main thing is to do them correctly.

In order to swing triceps, a few basic exercises are enough, the main thing is to do them correctly
In order to swing triceps, a few basic exercises are enough, the main thing is to do them correctly

It is necessary

gym membership


Step 1

Do triceps exercises after you've worked your pectoral muscles. When working on the pectoral muscles, the triceps is a muscle group that is subjected to secondary stress. When bench pressing, in order to increase the load on the triceps, take the bar with a narrow grip, in this case, seventy percent of the load will be on the triceps.

Step 2

Do the E-Z press from behind your head. Lie on a bench with your hands palms down. Pick up a barbell, wrap it behind your head, bend your elbows. Unbend your elbows slowly and bend back just as slowly. Do four sets of ten repetitions.

Step 3

Do the E-Z press from behind your head. Lie on a bench with your hands palms down. Pick up a barbell, wrap it behind your head, bend your elbows. Unbend your elbows slowly and bend back just as slowly. Do four sets of ten repetitions.

Step 4

Place your knee on an incline bench and bend over, preferably in front of a mirror. Take a dumbbell in your hands, bend your arm at the elbow, the second leaning on the bench. Straighten your arm with a sharp movement, slowly lower it to its original position. Repeat the exercise in five sets of ten repetitions.
