The power and accuracy of hitting the ball are important characteristics for every football player. Often, a beginner has to learn for a long time, it would seem, is the simplest and most basic element of the game of football.

Support leg position
The most common mistake among aspiring soccer players is focusing only on the kick. But it should be understood that the supporting leg has an equally important function, and the strength and accuracy of the strike largely depends on it. The position of the supporting foot relative to the ball determines the type of hit. With a direct hit, you need to put this leg in line with the ball, at a distance of 8-10 cm. If you need to achieve the ball's flight path in height, you should put your supporting leg behind the ball line 3-5 cm, but still keep a distance of 8 -10 cm in order not to lose control of the ball. In case a low kick is needed, the supporting foot is placed behind the line where the ball is located. The main point is not to put your foot too far, the player must find the optimal distance himself.
Kicking action
To hit the ball effectively, there are a few rules to keep in mind. First, the foot should be tense, but not too stiff. Secondly, the toes are pointing down, and the heel, on the contrary, up. Thirdly, you need to hit either with the toe of the foot, or with the place where the big toe is located.
The power of hitting the ball depends on the player's correct technique. With a good approach to such an important element of football, an aspiring athlete will be able to learn how to take decisive shots in the game. The most powerful blow comes from putting in the strength of the thigh muscles. Beating by bending the leg at the knee joint is considered an ineffective technique that is used in football only by amateurs. Another important point is not to overextend the muscles of the leg, the blow should be whipping, and only in this case the ball will fly swiftly and far.
A Few Tips
The body also plays an important role in the technique of hitting the ball. As with the supporting leg, the position of the body depends on which type of strike is needed. At the desired high trajectory of the ball, the body should be tilted back. At low - forward. The main thing is to invest body weight in the force of the blow.
In order to give a pass, it is necessary to hit the ball with the inside of the foot. The supporting leg should be located in line with the ball at a distance of 10 cm. Kick the kick to the center of the ball, then follow in the desired direction.
There are often times when you need to take the ball away from the opponent. In such a situation, it is necessary to beat with the outside of the foot. The toe of the supporting leg with the enemy's position should form an acute angle of 20-30 degrees. Then it remains to make a blow with the outer foot in the right direction.
To consolidate the knowledge gained, of course, practice is required. Only with experience will the mastery of ball possession and the technique of good hitting come.