Before you start doing shoulder lifting exercises, be sure to consult not only with your fitness trainer, but also with your doctors, so as not to harm your spine during their implementation.

Step 1
Start not in the gym, but with seemingly ordinary exercises to improve your posture, since a lot of your posture depends on whether your shoulders are down or not. During exercise, do not strain your back muscles at first, so as not to pull them or damage the spine.
Step 2
Take dumbbells, stand in the starting position: legs together, arms along the body. Lean forward while raising your arms up. Repeat this exercise 8-10 times.
Step 3
Starting position: legs together, arms with dumbbells slightly bent at the elbows. Trying to connect the shoulder blades, pull your arms to your torso. Repeat this exercise 10-12 times.
Step 4
Set aside the dumbbells for a while and lie on the floor. Starting position: hands behind the back of the head, legs firmly pressed to the floor. From this position, try to climb up as high as possible. Do this exercise at least 10 times. Do not rest between jerks for a stronger effect.
Step 5
Start exercising on the horizontal bar. First, do a few regular pull-ups facing the bar. Then roll over, grab the horizontal bar and try to pull yourself up to it with the back of your head. This exercise can be made more difficult by spreading your arms as wide as possible. Take multiple sets.
Step 6
Don't get carried away with weight-lifting exercises. This can lower your shoulders even more. In addition, remember that it is almost impossible to radically change a person's constitution.
Step 7
Practice yoga to tone and improve breathing skills. It is likely that these techniques will help you raise your drooping shoulders a little, both literally and figuratively.
Step 8
Go swimming - freestyle or butterfly. These swimming techniques will help you raise your shoulders, teach you how to breathe, and strengthen your back muscles at the same time.