Perhaps even those who have never been interested in either anatomy or sports loads are familiar with biceps. After all, few men, showing off to friends or at home in front of a mirror, did not bend their arm at the elbow, straining a large muscle in the upper part of the shoulder. But this muscle is the biceps. If for some reason you are unhappy with your biceps, pumping it up isn't particularly difficult, even for beginners. Barbell exercises are most effective.

Step 1
You can start with an exercise called standing barbell lift. The starting position for this exercise is as follows: stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart; Take the barbell so that your palms are facing forward. Bend slightly in the lower back and fix this position of the spine until the end of the approach. In a smooth motion, lift the bar to the top of your chest, bending your elbows. Then, after a second delay, also gently lower. At the same time, your elbows should not be fully extended, they should remain motionless, parallel to your sides. This exercise is recommended to be done 3-4 sets of 8-10 times.
Step 2
Also, an effective exercise for developing the biceps with the barbell is the “reverse grip barbell lift”. To perform it, you need to stand up straight, slightly bending in the lower back, feet shoulder-width apart. Take the barbell so that your palms are looking down, hold the barbell on your straightened hands in the area of / u200b / u200bthe hips. Bending your elbows, raise the bar to chest level and lower it back down. Exercise smoothly, making sure that your elbows remain stationary and positioned strictly along the sides of your body. Do 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.
Step 3
By regularly pumping your biceps with these barbell exercises, you will achieve impressive results, but for greater efficiency, you can also do biceps exercises such as standing and sitting dumbbell lifts, concentrated lifts, and an exercise called the hammer. With the help of such a complex, you will delight those around you with the strength and relief of your hands.