Bikram Shoudhari became the creator of Bikram Yoga. This trend has gained popularity in the United States back in the seventies. The main difference from other types of yoga is that the exercises are performed in a very warm room. This reduces the risk of sprains and ligament ruptures.

Bikram yoga, what is it
Bikram yoga is a set of exercises designed for the harmonious development of each part of the body. The training system includes twenty-six asanas from Hatka Yoga and two breathing exercises that help to saturate cells with oxygen during intense exercise. The asanas are arranged so that the practice begins with the simplest ones. They gradually prepare the body for more complex elements. That is why Bikram yoga is suitable for those who have not dealt with sports and fitness before training.
When practicing bikram yoga, not only the room temperature is important (it should be at least 25 ° C), but also the humidity. Ideal - 75%.
The peculiarity of Bikram Yoga is that, thanks to breathing exercises, it affects all systems of the body. Blood circulation improves, the lungs are cleansed, weight is reduced, the musculoskeletal system is strengthened. At the same time, training is of medium intensity. There is no need to do asanas through force. Exercises are quite effective, they help you quickly tidy up your appearance and improve your health.
Bikram yoga exercises, where to start
The main thing in Bikram Yoga is to learn how to breathe correctly. All inclinations are performed on exhalation, lifts on inhalation. Breathing is even, calm. If it starts to get lost, you need to slightly slow down the pace of the workout or change the position to a more comfortable one.
Choose lightweight clothing that does not restrict movement for exercise. Nothing should distract from the asanas.
The first asana of Bikram Yoga is Pranayama. To do it correctly, you need to stand up straight, pressing your feet together. Distribute the weight evenly on both legs. Lift the kneecaps up, pulling the legs and spine up. Put your fingertips on your forehead and tilt your head back (not too much so that your neck is comfortable). The tilt is done as you exhale. Thus, the lungs are straightened, the chest is freed from the clamps. The pose is performed for thirty to forty seconds. Then, on inhalation, the body straightens. Breathing evens out within a few seconds. Next, the hands are laid crosswise behind the head. The body is pulled up. Breathing is even, calm. This asana helps to saturate the blood with oxygen before training, relieves fatigue, calms the nerves, and maintains normal pressure.
The second simple asana is Ardha Chandrasana. It helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles, release the neck and shoulder clamp. Performed while standing. Starting position - feet together, pressed to the floor. The kneecaps are raised up, arms above the head, straight and joined together. On exhalation - tilt to the right with the whole body. Measure in this position for thirty to forty seconds. Then straighten up. Restore breathing and repeat the asana to the left.
The next twenty-five poses are performed after the first ones have been mastered to perfection. For those who have reached the highest level in bikram yoga and perform all asanas with ease, the training time reaches 90 minutes.