What Is Yantra Yoga

What Is Yantra Yoga
What Is Yantra Yoga

There are as many types of yoga as there are manifestations of a person. Which of our manifestations does Yantra Yoga use? Yantra Yoga is built on our ability to visually perceive the world around us.


With the help of the eyes, a person can see everything that surrounds him. The world around us has certain characteristics. For example, the color scheme. As yoga says, research in the field of vision confirms this, the human brain reacts more not to color, but to contrast.

Thus, responding to contrast and color gamut, we perceive the world through our eyes. We receive a huge amount of information through our eyes.

We see some beautiful paintings, sculptures. Looking at them, some deep strings of our soul can respond. The beauty that we contemplate attracts us.

Something else we are looking at can cause feelings of sadness or thought. This suggests that there is undoubtedly a connection between what we contemplate and between what emotions we experience.

Based on this mechanism, the ancient sages derived the following laws. If you look at a figure, which, as a rule, consists of triangles, lines, squares, inscriptions, then it will evoke a certain emotion in us. As if we were looking at the beauty of nature.

Yantra is just such a figure, a diagram. The word "yantra" is translated from Sanskrit as an instrument. Yantra Yoga is a tool that our minds respond to.

Inside us, as yoga says, there are certain archetypes of form. These archetypes are embedded very deeply, in some hidden zones of our consciousness. As soon as what we are looking at and what is embedded in us coincide, these internal mechanisms wake up. Outwardly, this manifests itself as an emotion.

Yantra Yoga is the key that opens the lock of our inner device.
