In 1988, the Summer Olympic Games were first organized on the Korean Peninsula - in Seoul. In terms of organization, they corresponded to the high standards of holding such sports events in Asia, set by Japan at the Tokyo Olympics.

160 countries took part in the Seoul Olympics. Even the dwarf states of Oceania began to join the Olympic movement. In particular, teams from Vanuatu, Aruba, American Samoa, Cook Islands, Guam, Samoa and South Yemen arrived at the Olympics for the first time.
Not without political scandals around the games. The very organization of the competition in Seoul became a problem. North Korea claimed to host some sports games on its territory, but was refused. As a result, the DPRK announced a boycott of the games and decided not to send its athletes to them. However, North Korea was not supported by most of the socialist camp. The USSR found it impossible for itself to miss the second consecutive Summer Olympics after the boycott of the games in Los Angeles. As a result, North Korea's protest was supported by only 3 countries - Cuba, Ethiopia and Nicaragua. Albania, Madagascar and Seychelles also did not send their teams to the games, but they never announced an official boycott.
The first place in the unofficial team event was taken by the Soviet Union. The performance in Seoul was the last sporting triumph of the USSR at the games. At this Olympics, Soviet athletes performed excellently, displacing the Americans, who are traditionally strong in running and jumping, from the podium. Gold medals were brought by the USSR men's national teams in basketball, handball and football, as well as the women's volleyball team. The traditionally high level of training was shown by Soviet gymnasts. The men's and women's teams received gold in the team event. Several gold medals were won by Soviet weightlifters and wrestlers.
The second place was taken by the GDR team. Most of the medals were brought to the German Republic by rowers, cyclists and, especially, swimmers, who won 11 gold medals.
The United States came in only third with only a fraction of the expected medals. American swimmers, track and field athletes and boxers have enjoyed success.