Excessive physical exertion on certain muscle groups, as well as a complete lack of exercise, leads to thickening of the leg muscles. For reasons diametrically opposite disadvantages are solved by the same method.

Step 1
Depending on your body type (hip width, total body fat), you will have to put in a little more or a little less effort. Examine yourself and calculate your strength.
Step 2
Protein is a building block for muscle tissue. If the cause of thickening of the legs is excess muscle, exclude meat, fish and mushrooms. If it's about fat, moderate your intake of sugary and fatty foods. Switch to plant-based foods such as low-sugar fruits and vegetables. Note that avocados are high in fat and grapes are high in sugar.
Step 3
Your physical fitness is of great importance, calculate the intensity of the exercise, based on your strengths and capabilities.
Step 4
If you play sports, change your focus. Instead of strength and speed, develop endurance. Prefer long-distance running to sprint, cycling to weightlifting. Set the machine to the lowest load and pedal as long as you can.
Step 5
The first results will not appear immediately, but after about 2-3 months. So please be patient and practice day in and day out. You cannot stop exercising, otherwise muscle tissue will be replaced by fatty tissue, and fatty tissue will grow even more.