An appetizing elastic tummy with a sparkle of a pier in the navel - what could be sexier and more beautiful? And if the beach season begins a month later, and the longed-for elastic press is reliably covered behind folds of fat, which are a mute reproach to winter gluttony? Well, if the situation is not critical, then pumping up the press and removing a few centimeters from the waist in a month is not so difficult.

It is necessary
- - table of calorie content of products;
- - a rug for playing sports.
Step 1
To remove the belly in a month you will need:
1) lose weight;
2) tone the abdominal muscles. Losing excess weight can only be through diet. Reduce your carbohydrate intake, eat more vegetables, fruits, greens. Eat often, but eat as little as possible at one time. Do not go hungry - this provokes bouts of uncontrolled binge eating.
Step 2
You can tone your abdominal muscles with a variety of exercises. They should be done daily in 3 sets of 20 reps each. Exercise 1 Lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Place your palms on the back of your head or neck. Begin to lift the body, trying to reach the knees with your chest. Stretch with your chest, not your neck or forehead. Exercise 2 Lying on the floor, lift your straight legs and upper body up at the same time, as if folding in half at the waist. While moving, stretch your hands to your knees. Exercise 3 Lying on the floor, bend your knees and rest them on the floor. Place your left foot on your right knee. Place your hands behind your head. Begin to lift the body, trying to reach the left knee with the elbow of your right hand. Change sides after 20 reps.
Step 3
There is another way to remove the belly in a month. This method is liposuction. Its essence is as follows: under general anesthesia, the surgeon removes excess fat from the abdomen. In one liposuction session, you can "lose weight" by 3-5 kilograms.