If you decide to create a football team to participate in any competition or tournament, then choosing a name will be an important step in its creation. After all, as you know, "as you name the ship, so it will float."

Step 1
On the one hand, the name of a football team should be original and memorable, on the other hand, it should be directly related to your team. So, if you create a team of employees of one enterprise, then the name may be associated with your work and reflect the specifics of the activity.
For example, if your company is related to the fuel industry, then you can name the team "Prometheus", "Energon" or "Torch". If you are engaged in cargo transportation, then a suitable name would be "Trucker".
Step 2
The name of the football team should not be too long (it is best to use one word, maximum two), but not too short. For example, "The Voronezh Meat Processing Plant Football Club" cannot be pronounced quickly and cannot be remembered right away, but a name like "Om" or "Gas", on the contrary, will be remembered quickly, but will not please the ear due to its excessive simplicity.
Step 3
The name of a football team can be formed from the name of an enterprise or organization. If the name of the organization is too long or consists of several words, then an abbreviation can be used. The most famous example is the football club "CSKA", its name is formed from the phrase "the central sports club of the army."
Step 4
Also, the names of the ancient gods and famous heroes of antiquity can be used as the name of the football team. For example, the teams "Spartak" and "Dynamo" are named after the famous Roman gladiators, the team "Victoria" - in honor of the Roman goddess of victory.
Step 5
The name of the team can be borrowed from the city or river on which it is based (of course, if there is no club with that name in the city yet). There are enough examples when football clubs name geographical objects: "Moscow", "Rostov", "Peter", "Terek", "Volga", "Vistula" and so on.
Step 6
Remember that you can come up with any name for a football team, the main thing is to show more imagination and do not forget that not only you, but also your fans should like it.