There are two types of basketballs, depending on the field of play. For outdoor play, it is better to use cheaper balls, but for indoor play, you should fork out for a good ball. There is also a size range for basketballs. Do not forget about taking care of such balls.

Outdoor is the name of the first type of basketball. It is intended to be played outdoors, on an asphalt court, and therefore, these balls are not the most expensive, made from more wearable materials such as rubber or inexpensive synthetics. Asphalt is a surface that is not gentle on the material of the ball. Therefore, more often than not, the ball serves only one playing season.
The second type is indoor, which means indoor. This type is intended for professional gym play, so these balls are made from more expensive materials such as synthetic synthetic leather. These balls last longer, but only if they are used for their intended purpose. It makes no sense to use expensive balls on the street. Perhaps you will get pleasure from this, but the ball will deteriorate faster. Therefore, it is better to have two balls, for different types of field.

So, having decided what are the types of balls for playing basketball, you can move on to their sizes. There are four ball sizes in total, from "7" to "3":
"7" is a man's ball. Its circumference is approximately 760 mm. This size of balls is used by guys for a professional game.
"6" - "womens balls". Its size is approximately 730 mm. It is slightly smaller and lighter, so it can be ideal for playing with a mixed team of different genders.
"5" is a child's or youth's ball. Its size is approximately 700 mm.
"3" is a souvenir ball and the size is usually up to 570 mm.

After each game, it is worth wiping the ball from dust and dirt, since dirt is considered an enemy dangerous enough for any basketball player. Often it is she who causes injuries more serious than falling. This is the end of the simple rules for choosing the ball. I would like to wish you the right choice, successful game and fewer injuries. And keep an eye on the condition of your playing ball.