How To Do HIIT: Examples

How To Do HIIT: Examples
How To Do HIIT: Examples

Interval training has become increasingly popular lately for a number of reasons. Interval training is more energy-intensive than classical cardio, interval training contributes to a faster acquisition of muscle relief.

How to do HIIT: Examples
How to do HIIT: Examples

The benefits of interval training

In addition to the two main advantages that we mentioned above, HIIT has other advantages:

  • a significant increase in aerobic and anaerobic indicators (endurance and muscle mass);
  • reduction of body fat with minimal risk of losing muscle;
  • increased insulin sensitivity;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels.

It is especially worth noting that when doing high-intensity interval training, the increased insulin sensitivity allows you to use carbohydrates as energy sources, rather than store them in reserve. HIIT is both strength training and cardio, and by setting aside literally 15 minutes three times a week for classes, you will achieve amazing results!

Interval training example

The first thing we will pay attention to is a warm-up. Be sure to warm up well before exercising to avoid injury. The proposed workout belongs to the Tabata system, which is a special case of HIIT. The entire program is designed for just 4 minutes. This time is divided into intervals - there are 8. Within the intervals we work for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds.

  1. Squats. Intense, fast. Remember that you only have 20 seconds and you must give your best.
  2. Push ups. At first, it will be difficult for you to do classic push-ups with straight legs, they can be replaced with push-ups from the knees, but at the same time you perform the maximum amplitude and as many repetitions as possible.
  3. Exercise on the press: PI - lying on your back with bent legs, raise the upper body, while spreading the knees and touching the feet with our fingers.
  4. Jumping jack.

We repeat the exercises for two circles. At the end of the workout, be sure to stretch!

Alternatively, you can use exercises such as jump lunges, plank jumps, jump squats, and so on. The main condition is that you must perform the maximum number of repetitions with the maximum amplitude. When “collecting” HIIT for yourself, you can schedule workouts for each day of the week, for example, Monday is the day of the legs, Wednesday is exercises on the arms, and Friday is the body.
