The area of the abdomen and thighs for many women is a matter of special concern, since, due to the peculiarities of the structure of the female body, it is on it that the main reserves of fat are deposited. Often, even in very slender girls, you can notice an ugly loose fold protruding below the navel, what can we say about mature women and those who have at least a little excess weight.

Step 1
However, this is not a reason to give up and surrender to the mercy of nature. Removing fat in the lower abdomen, although difficult, is quite possible. It is enough to show perseverance and make some effort. First of all, you need to review your diet.
Step 2
This in no way means that deciding to fight fatty deposits on the abdomen, you need to immediately go on a strict diet or stop eating altogether. It is important to remember that when there is a large deficit of incoming calories, the metabolism slows down greatly in an effort to save as much of the hard-won nutrients as possible. As a result, the effect is exactly the opposite - after a long severe restriction in nutrition, the body begins to recover from literally every apple eaten. Therefore, food should be balanced and complete so that it can be adhered to constantly, and not 7-10 days a month.
Step 3
In addition to a healthy diet, regular exercise is needed specifically for the lower abdomen. The trained muscles will appear tighter and tighter, creating a strong corset around the problem area. It is best to master a set of exercises under the guidance of a professional trainer who can control the correctness of their implementation and determine the number of repetitions and approaches necessary for you.
Step 4
Exercises combined with special intensive breathing are very effective for removing fat from the abdomen. Techniques such as bodyflex or oxysize can help solve the problem of fat folds quickly and effectively. In addition, they do not require a lot of time and good physical fitness, so even completely untrained and very fat people who are not available to classical exercises can practice them. But in all breathing techniques there is one important requirement - breathing during the lesson must be exactly as prescribed by the instructions, otherwise there will be no result. Therefore, it is worth spending the extra time specifically on mastering the correct breathing techniques.
Step 5
For the best and fastest effect, it is useful to combine diet and exercise with massage of the problem area. Abdominal massage is both a health and beauty treatment. On the one hand, it improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates bloating and dyspepsia, on the other hand, it effectively removes fat deposits by stimulating the outflow of lymph and improving blood circulation. But this complex procedure should be trusted only by experienced professional massage therapists, so as not to harm your health.