Starting to work on your endurance and strength, you should not take on everything at once and overload yourself. By adding an extra load to an unprepared body, you can overextend all the muscles, and there will be no benefit at all from the exercise.

Push-ups are one of those exercises that, despite their simplicity, has a huge impact on the development of different muscle groups. Correctly performing push-ups tightens the back muscles, biceps and triceps. All of these muscles will add to the body the relief you want, and also increase strength.
How to achieve the result
An untrained person can do no more than 30-40 push-ups in one approach. At the same time, it is unlikely that the same amount will be done for the second approach. If you decide to increase the number to 100 or more times, you will have to work hard for more than one month, because you cannot dramatically increase push-ups.
It is most productive to engage in approaches, that is, to do 3-4 visits to the exercises. In particular, the first approach can be done 20 times, in the second and third - already 25 repetitions, and in the fourth - again 20 or 15 times. The correct selection of the number of push-ups will help not to overload yourself. You can increase the number of push-ups done per set if the previous standard seems already easy.
Doing 100 or more push-ups at a time will take a lot of practice. As a rule, to achieve such a result, it will take at least 2-3 months of intensive training. You can speed up your results by adding workouts on horizontal bars and uneven bars.
Pull-ups on the horizontal bar strengthen the biceps and grip, while push-ups on the uneven bars increase the load on the triceps and shoulder ligaments. By changing the load on different muscle groups, you can quickly bring them to a productive tone.
Recommendations for increasing push-ups
Do not forget about proper nutrition and the necessary rest for the muscles. Each time, loading yourself more and more, the muscle fibers are stretched. As a result, lactic acid is released, the excess of which leads to severe pain in the hands.
Once every 2-3 days, you need to rest from training so that the muscles have time to recover. It is also recommended to take a warm bath for relaxation and rest. Increasing push-ups is a simple process that requires only the will to exercise from you. Many people, when undertaking self-improvement, often abandon this business due to lack of motivation. First, you should think about and decide what you need it for, and then take up classes.
Correct motivation is the key to success in any business; people do nothing for nothing. Having decided, do not forget that doing push-ups alone will not have that complex result. It is better to work out a set of exercises for yourself in order to change the types of load and develop not only the torso and arms, but, for example, also the legs or abs.