The Universiade is a traditional sports tournament organized by FISU (International University Sports Federation). The name itself is a combination of the words "University" and "Olympiad". As in the Olympics, there is a medal standings, the victory in which is the goal of the performance of all participants.

All attention to the summer
Although the Universiades are held not only in summer, but also in winter, it is the former that attract the main attention of sports statisticians. After all, more countries and athletes participate in the summer student competitions. And, naturally, many more awards are played out in them. Throughout the history of the Universiades, 53 tournaments were held (27 summer and 26 winter). At the end of all, the winners were presented with awards that they could be proud of.
According to eyewitnesses, the organizers made the 2013 Universiade medals very fragile, and several of them "died" even during the presentation. Similar incidents happened, in particular, with the Russian Azamat Laipanov and the Chinese Tian Qin.
First medal, first record
Summer Universiade number 1, which became the successor to the World University Games held in 1923-1957, took place in Turin, Italy in 1959 and brought the expected success to the hosts. 18 gold medals for the Italian national team became the first record of the competition.
The next winner of the student Olympics is the US team, which eight years later won 31 highest awards in Tokyo. But the most striking achievement of the 20th century and a new record, immediately called "eternal", was set by the student team of the USSR. At the 73 Universiade in Moscow, the Soviet team won 68 gold medals. And the total number of prizes also stopped at a record level of 134.
Golden China
The fantastic achievement of the USSR national team in the number of pedestal ascents lasted a really long time. And it was beaten when the Soviet Union was gone. It happened in 2011 at the Games in Shenzhen, China. Chinese athletes-students have surpassed their geographical neighbors, having won 75 gold medals on their land.
Kazan phenomenon
The 2013 Universiade in Kazan can be considered a kind of continuation of the rivalry between the national teams of Russia and China, which began two years earlier. And if in Shenzhen the Chinese athletes surpassed the second-ranked Russians both in the total number of medals (145 versus 132) and in gold (75 versus 42), then a convincing revenge took place in the capital of Tatarstan.
The first home gold went to the diver Yevgeny Kuznetsov. In total, the Russian student team managed to win 292 medals at the 27th World Summer Universiade, including 155 gold medals. There is a new record! By the way, the final of these 155 was won by the shooter Taras Luginets. The Chinese team, which took the second step of the team podium, took home 77 awards, of which only 26 became gold.
The greatest number of medals was won in Kazan by Russian Vladimir Morozov - 6, four of them were of the highest dignity. Yulia Efimova (both swimming) and Margarita Mamun (rhythmic gymnastics) also won four gold medals each.
Who is bigger?
The first places, encouraged by gold medals, were taken by Russian athletes in 23 types of the sports program of the 2013 Games. Most of them were in the "piggy bank" of athletes - 22. Representatives of swimming (17 gold medals), sambo, wrestling and sporting shooting (12 each), rowing and canoeing and artistic gymnastics (10 each) performed excellently in Kazan. gymnastics (8), boxing, weightlifting and fencing (all 6).