Keeping track of your appearance is not an easy task. It requires not only time, effort and patience, but also desire. Some people close their eyes to their external flaws for a long time, so then you have to spend maximum effort to put the figure in order. As a rule, the first place from which they want to remove excess fat is the belly, the problem area of almost every person.

Step 1
So, you've decided to make a nice, flat tummy. Surely, you also dream of abs cubes on it. So, remember one thing - you can really pump up a chic abs, but it will not be visible under a layer of fat. First, you must remove the fat folds. To do this, you need to revise your diet. Eliminate all fatty and smoked foods. Forget about sweets and pastries. Eat a healthy diet and remember to drink at least two liters of water every day.
Step 2
Having changed your eating habits, you can safely take up a set of abdominal exercises. Start your class by working out your upper abs. For this, the following simple exercise is suitable: lie on the mat, bend your knees slightly, keep your hands behind your head. At a fast pace, lift your upper body (shoulder blades) and return to the starting position. The lower back is pressed to the floor, do not bring the elbows together. 2-3 sets of 20-40 lifts will be enough, depending on the level of your physical fitness. If you feel a burning sensation in the upper abdomen, then you are doing everything right.
Step 3
Now proceed to the lower abdomen. Exercises for this section of the muscles are a little more difficult. Lying on the mat, lift your shoulder blades, stretch your arms along your torso or place them under your buttocks. Do not lift your lower back off the floor, lift your legs 15-20 cm from the rug, start spreading them to the sides and crossing them. Above should be the left, then the right leg. The exercise is called scissors. It is recommended to do 2-3 sets of 30 crosses.
Step 4
When you have finished doing the scissors exercise, start lifting your legs. Straighten your legs and lift them at the same time, to about a 30-degree angle. Slowly lower them down, but do not touch the floor. Do not bend your lower back or lift it off the mat. Try to do multiple sets of 15-20 reps.
Step 5
For your belly to be truly beautiful, do not forget about the oblique muscles of the abdomen. Lying on the mat, bend your knees and press them firmly against your buttocks. Lift your torso up, with your right hand try to touch the toe of your left leg, return to the starting position, then rise again and try to touch the toe of your right leg with your left hand. Repeat 30 times (2-3 sets).
Step 6
To better strengthen your obliques and make your waist slimmer, bend one knee and place the ankle of your other leg on top of it. Hold the opposite hand behind your head. Take a deep breath and as you exhale, try to reach your knee with your bent elbow. Repeat 15 times and change sides.