Bench press is an exercise that directly speaks of a person's strength. Of course, it is safer and more humane to determine the strongest of your comrades in the gym, and not in a fight. But in order to "pull" a lot of weight, you need to know how to properly increase the weight of the bar in the bench press.

Step 1
Work on your technique. The more experienced the athlete, the better his technique and the more heavy weights he lifts. How do you achieve a technique that will allow you to make progress on the bench press? First, keep your back muscles tense. It is even better to bend slightly to close the distance between the chest and the bar. Don't overwhelm your brushes. The grip must also be firm. The back of your head should lie on the bench, your gaze should be directed to the middle of the bar. Keep your legs tense, it is advisable to bring them as far as possible under the bench.
Step 2
Strengthen your chest and arm muscles. It sounds corny, but some athletes do bench press, but ignore other exercises on the target muscles. Dilute your workouts with the standing press, French press. Swing your triceps and chest with dumbbells and one-arm push-ups. Trainers should not be ignored. Do bench press at different angles. Pay attention to any exercises that can strengthen your chest, deltoids, and triceps.
Step 3
Develop the right program. To improve physical performance, you need to choose one of the strength programs. Strength programs usually do a small number of reps with a lot of weight and long breaks between reps (2-5 minutes). Gradually increase the weight of the bar. You can increase it once a week or every workout, depending on the program. If on your next bench press workout you are not increasing the weight, then increase the number of repetitions.
Step 4
Increase your own weight. To lift more weight, you need to weigh more yourself. Add more protein to your diet, such as meat, eggs, milk, nuts. Do not forget about carbohydrates (pasta, buckwheat, rice, potatoes) and vitamins (vegetables, fruits). You can also use gainers and protein shakes to gain mass.