The bench press is one of the basic exercises in bodybuilding and powerlifting. Any beginner who comes to the gym first goes to the bench press and only then masters other exercises. However, all bodybuilders who engage in a sufficient amount of time in strength sports sooner or later come across the concept of "stagnation", when the weights in the bench press no longer grow as before, or they simply cannot squeeze out anymore.

Step 1
"Stagnation" symbolizes the fact that you need to approach the training process in a different way in order to continue to grow further. Many factors contribute to the increase in working weight in the bench, because this exercise uses a variety of muscles, on which performance depends. There are always "lagging" muscles, the power of which is not enough for further growth.
Step 2
Decide on the most comfortable grip width, which is selected personally and depends on the physiological characteristics of the person. Lie on the floor and without thinking about anything, take the usual position in which you perform the bench press. Have someone else measure the grip width, which will be the reference for the exercise. The whole point of this exercise is that the body automatically assumes a position that provides maximum mechanical advantage when moving.
Step 3
Competitive powerlifters do not press the bar straight and strictly upright. The projectile should be squeezed upward, slightly at an angle to the head. This movement is called J-Lift. Use it when doing the exercise.
Step 4
Do not arch your back while pressing. When arching, you can squeeze more, but this will happen by reducing the distance between the bar and the chest. Using this technique, muscle growth cannot be accelerated, nor can strength be increased.
Step 5
Warming up before doing work sets is very important. Perform 4 warm-up sets of 5 times, starting with an empty bar and gradually putting on some weight. You don't need to rest between these sets. Just hang extra pancakes on the bar and continue to warm up. Relax for 3 minutes before doing work sets.
Step 6
If you are not doing other chest exercises, it’s time to start doing it. Extend the dumbbells after the bench press, balance your program. Do an incline press that will allow you to develop your chest more.