Taking care of yourself is not an easy task, because in addition to the skin of the face, neck and body, the legs, and especially the knees, also require care. You can make them beautiful, smooth and well-groomed in a very short time (2-3 months). The main thing is to know exactly how to do it.

Step 1
It must be remembered that your knees will be beautiful if your legs are completely healthy as a whole. To do this, you need to wear comfortable, correct shoes, make sure that your feet are always comfortable. There is no need to chase fashion to the detriment of your health. Then there will be no such unpleasant phenomena as varicose veins or edema.
Step 2
In addition, do not forget to exercise, try to find time for this and do at least a couple of simple exercises. The main thing here is regularity. For example, here's one simple exercise that you can use to achieve a beautiful appearance of your knees: first put your feet together, bend your knees a little, then bend over and put your hands on your knees. After that, begin to perform rotational movements with your knees alternately in one direction or the other. It will be enough to perform 3-4 approaches (15-20 times each) per day.
Step 3
In addition to exercise, body wraps and masks are equally popular. At home, they can be carried out using kefir (1, 5-2 cups) and eucalyptus oil (a couple of teaspoons). This mixture must be rubbed into the knees, covered with foil, and then wrapped with a soft cloth (this is done in order to keep warm). The procedure usually lasts 15-20 minutes. After the time has elapsed, kefir and oil are washed off with warm water. Wrapping is carried out 2 or 3 times a week. This is usually enough to make your knees look smooth and beautiful.