The ability to move beautifully is to understand the gait. You've probably noticed that it is different for everyone. To learn how to walk gracefully, you need to follow some principles of gait and perform special exercises.

- - Comfortable shoes;
- - a handkerchief / piece of cloth;
- - book;
- - stand.
Step 1
Stand with your foot straight, being careful not to twist your toes out. This is necessary to form a beautiful and correct gait. First, place your heel on the ground and lift your toes slightly. Go with an average step, not fast and not gulliver, but the one that allows you to make your growth. The entire load of movement is taken by the hips, which ensure the immobility and lightness of the lower leg. While walking, they move up and down slightly. Raise your hip as you pass your supporting leg and touch the ground with your heel.
Step 2
Hang your arms freely when walking, but do not echo your step in any way, otherwise it will be something like a soldier's step on the parade ground on Victory Day. Also, do not swing your arms wide, as it looks pretty ugly from the side.
Step 3
Do some exercises. The first is as follows. Take a chair and stand up straight. Point your toes forward, gripping the back of the chair. Rise slowly on your toes and freeze for 1-2 minutes. Then transfer the entire weight of the body to the outside of the leg. Lower yourself down and repeat this movement a few more times.
Step 4
Take a handkerchief or any other piece of material. Sit on the floor and support your feet. Try to grab your handkerchief or other fabric with your toes. Move it, trying not to lift your heels off the floor, until your toes touch each other. Do this exercise 6 times.
Step 5
Take a thick book and place it on the floor. Place your feet so that the inside of your foot is resting on the book and the outside is on the floor. Gently rise and fall in the same way. Do 6 reps too.
Step 6
Try to make your gait easy. There is a very important moment in it, when the body seems to float in the air for a couple of seconds, and the feet then smoothly land. Make sure that the same is in your case. And remember that in a heavy gait, one foot only lifts off the ground, and the other already lies on it.