Many women believe that while exercising in the gym, they cannot enlarge their breasts. There is a deal of truth in it. Indeed, with the help of physical exercises, it will not be possible to enlarge the chest by several sizes. However, training will help lift your breasts, which will visually enlarge them. A similar effect will give it attractive shapes.

- - dumbbells;
- - bench;
- - neck.
Step 1
The most effective pectoral exercise is the incline press. To do this, set the back of the bench at an angle of 45 degrees. Take dumbbells weighing about 2 kg in your hands. Please note: the palms should be directed away from you. Lie on a bench. Hands gently spread apart, trying not to press your elbows against the body of the body. Lower the dumbbells as low as possible until you feel tension in your pectoral muscles.
Step 2
The most common mistake in this exercise is haste. It is incorrect to lift the dumbbells to the starting position with a jerk, using mainly inertia. The exercise must be performed smoothly and slowly, achieving in this way a complete contraction of the pectoral muscles at the top point. Thus, the growth of nerve cells is stimulated, which ultimately increases muscle strength and tone at rest.
Step 3
Press from a prone position to firm up your chest. To do this, lie down on a bench and lock yourself in a stable position that is comfortable for you. Spread your feet as wide as possible. Grasp the bar with your hands. Remember: palms should be shoulder-width apart. Gently lift the bar away from the metal struts, lowering it slowly towards your chest. From this position, on the contrary, try to squeeze the bar up with a powerful confident movement. At the top point, fix this state by straining the pectoral muscles. Repeat the exercise again.
Step 4
The simplest and most familiar exercise from childhood to increase the growth of the pectoral muscles is push-ups from the floor. Lie on a flat surface. Take a lying position with your elbows straight. Please note: the palms should be slightly wider than the shoulders. In this case, the head should be approximately on the line of the spine. Do not lift it up or tilt it down. Gently lower yourself to the lowest point. Fix in this state for a few seconds. After that, return to the starting position again. It is useful to keep the abdominal muscles in tension while doing this exercise.