It is believed that men are much more conscientious about sports than women, and they must combine them with a special diet. Indeed, the representatives of the stronger sex, having calculated the menu during intense training, achieve great results.

It is not enough to compose a diet for an athlete; it is also necessary to properly observe the food intake.
General recommendations
To speed up the metabolism and the body's mood for burning fat, you need to perform a lightweight set of exercises before breakfast.
It is necessary to observe the drinking regime, do not consume water with food.
Do not overeat, but once a week you need to eat some high-calorie and balanced meal. It is required to give preference to steaming and baking.
A sports diet for men involves the consumption of a large amount of protein - at least 2 g per 1 kg of weight. If the body weight is growing, then the dose of proteins must be increased.
For sports to be effective, you need to eat in small portions every 3-4 hours.
Protein attack
In the menu for intense workouts, you need to include proteins, as they are the building blocks of muscles. It is necessary to focus on natural, easily digestible proteins - poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products.
Vegetable proteins, which are sourced from nuts, mushrooms, and legumes, should not be ignored either.
It is dangerous to follow the example of bodybuilders and "add" to protein powder. Such cocktails, although they give results, have side effects.
As a result of protein craze, you can "plant" the kidneys and liver. In addition, when this product is canceled, the muscles stop growing.
Carbohydrates for energy
The diet for the athlete must be balanced. To do this, you need to include complex carbohydrates in it, which are slowly absorbed and energized for half a day.
It is most appropriate to consume carbohydrates - cereals, cereals, whole grain bread - an hour before training in order to have the strength for an intense exercise. You can not abuse complex carbohydrates, as they are poorly digested and excreted from the body along with fats, which are involved in building testosterone.
As for fast or simple carbohydrates - honey, sugar, confectionery - they are best consumed in the morning no more than twice a week.
Fats for testosterone synthesis
It is best if the sports diet for men includes vegetable fats and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The former are found in large quantities in flaxseed, nut, olive oil.
The source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are not produced by the body and therefore are called irreplaceable, is primarily sea fish - salmon, salmon, pink salmon.
These foods are good because the calories from them are not stored in fat stores, but are immediately consumed.