Sex And Muscle

Sex And Muscle
Sex And Muscle

Studies show that the level of the male hormone testosterone drops sharply after a week of abstinence. How often do you need to have sex, and would sex before exercise hurt?

Sex and muscle
Sex and muscle

Sex and testosterone levels

The connection between the testosterone hormone and libido, the desire for sex is not a secret for anyone. But the fact is that testosterone is the main muscle growth hormone and at its low level it is almost impossible to build muscle.

Testosterone levels are increased by strength sports and, as a result, increased sexual activity.

How often should you have sex?

Studies have shown that lack of sex lowers testosterone levels on the seventh day and continues to decline in the following days. This shows that a healthy male body needs weekly ejaculation. In its absence, the level of the hormone decreases, which negatively affects both muscles and health.

Effects of masturbation on muscles

Increased testosterone levels without the ability to discharge increases the stress hormone cortisol, which breaks down muscles. The hormone prolactin, which is produced during sex, stops this process.

Given the production of prolactin after ejaculation, the body does not care how the orgasm is achieved. This is one of the confirmation of the facts about the benefits of masturbation.

What Happens To Muscles With Excessive Sex

The semen contains a large amount of zinc, the loss of which occurs after each ejaculation. And zinc is associated with the production of testosterone, which means that the level of this hormone will decrease without replenishing the body with an important mineral.

The rate of zinc consumption per day, depending on activity and age, is 10 - 30 mg. Zinc is found in bran, sprouted wheat grains, pumpkin seeds.

Do I need sex before training

The hormones prolactin and oxytacin are produced in men after sex. They are known to have a relaxing effect on the body, improve mood, relieve depression, but they significantly lower testosterone and libido levels. Therefore, it is not recommended to have sex 4 - 5 hours before training.

Sex after workout

The male body needs ejaculation after training for an hour. This will speed up recovery and strengthen the immune system.

Does sex help you fight obesity?

Contrary to popular belief, not so many calories are spent during sex - about 300 kcal per hour. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that, probably, in most cases, only optimists can count on an hour of sex.
