How To Beat With A Bat

How To Beat With A Bat
How To Beat With A Bat

There is no one-size-fits-all workout to be a good hitter when playing baseball or rounders. However, there are a number of principles by which you will learn how to hit the bat correctly. Once you practice the stance position and master the swing technique, you can work on the mechanics of movement until you find the hit that will bring you the most success.

How to beat with a bat
How to beat with a bat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and step with your left foot forward (if you are right-handed). Take the bat with both hands 5 cm above the bottom of the handle. If you are right-handed, your right hand should be higher than your left; for left-handed people, the position of the hands is reversed. Move the bat to the side, over your head. Keep the elbow of your dominant hand (located on top of the bat handle) at shoulder level. Shift your center of gravity to your back leg. Make sure your front shoulder does not obstruct your view of the player serving the ball.

Practice swinging the bat. Doing the right swing is not such an easy task; to get the desired result, you will have to perform dozens or even hundreds of repetitions. Take a small step forward with your front foot towards the server and bring the center of gravity of the body onto it. All your power at the moment is concentrated in your hips. Lower your hands to the level of the swing, where the ball is supposed to fly. During the swing, your arms should move across your body, the bat should strike a good, clean arc. Try to keep the bat's line of motion while swinging and hitting the ball.

Use a static target to practice hitting the bat. Place the ball on a slight rise (for example, a wooden or metal pole of the correct length). Get into position to hit and swing slowly towards the ball. Keep your eyes on the target until the bit touches it. Repeat swinging the bat slowly until it makes a clean contact with the ball, then gradually increase the speed of the movement. Keep in mind all the elements of the swing (movement of arms, hips, legs), in the future this will allow you to perform a blow without thinking about the technique of its execution.

Ask a friend to help you practice hitting the bat, let him serve as the pitcher. Start at low speeds, and your serve shouldn't be strong. This will allow you to experiment a bit with your stance and determine the most comfortable position for your body. When striking, remember to keep in mind all the elements of the swing movement. Hit slowly flying balls until all your movements are confident and your hits are regular and precise.

Gradually increase the speed of the ball. Complicate the exercises, ask your partner to send the ball in different directions, just above, below, to the right or to the left of the original throws. The mechanics of your body movements will be the same, but you will have to make some adjustments depending on the slope when hitting such balls. Remember that when playing rounders or baseball, there are no constant hits, seven out of ten balls are considered a good result.
