How Many Days After Surgery You Can Go To The Gym

How Many Days After Surgery You Can Go To The Gym
How Many Days After Surgery You Can Go To The Gym

Sometimes illness can take you by surprise. Do you lead an active lifestyle, are you used to going to the gym several times a day and do not want to lose shape after undergoing surgery? Still have to wait for a while

How many days after surgery you can go to the gym
How many days after surgery you can go to the gym

Abdominal surgery

These can be both rather serious interventions in internal organs, and simpler manipulations. One of the most common operations, after which women want to regain their shape as soon as possible, is a cesarean section. The muscles of the abdomen after carrying a child require tightening, and the former physical activity during this period is slightly lost. In addition, girls often seek to restore the abs after surgery on the pelvic organs or removal of appendicitis. The paradox is that the muscles that you want to pay attention to in the gym should not be strained after such operations - after all, the seam should be properly overgrown, and the tissues should be restored!

Usually, doctors recommend resuming sports no earlier than two months after any abdominal surgery. The postoperative period depends on the complexity of the operation and the condition of the person. In any case, before visiting the gym, you should consult with your doctor.

Limb surgeries

In case of complex fractures and operations transferred in this regard, the loads will have to be forgotten for a long time. Even after the cast is removed, you should not actively rush to the gym and give your limbs the same load. Muscles and bones should be restored gradually. Be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to fully use an arm or leg during training for about six months, or maybe longer.

For those who have had leg surgery to remove varicose veins, the rehabilitation period is much shorter. After laser removal, the patient can return to their usual lifestyle after 2 weeks. Loads on the legs are recommended not earlier than after 3-4 weeks.

Exercise therapy

It should be noted that physical activity some time after the operation is even necessary - it improves blood flow, prevents blood clots and shortens the rehabilitation period. However, the exercises that are recommended in one case or another must be prescribed by the attending physician. Often, it is after operations that patients are sent to a course of physiotherapy exercises (exercise therapy). With a simple course of exercises designed specifically to speed up the healing of an organ or tissue in the postoperative period, you can reduce pain, get rid of swelling and speed up the healing process. Therefore, you should not neglect this set of exercises.
