In order to achieve athletic performance, you need a clear schedule and regimen. In this case, the compiled training program will work with maximum effect. However, if there is not enough free time, you will have to adapt and adjust, but at the same time you cannot let everything go by itself and train from time to time. It is important to determine the days of classes and correctly distribute the load over them.

A properly structured workout in the gym should include several types of load and, most often, work out individual muscle groups. For each specific workout, a well-thought-out set of exercises is required, which is compiled by a specialist.
But group fitness classes have already been drawn up in such a way that they are complete and complete, therefore, attending them, you can not worry about additional consultations and the frequency of loads.
Perfect class schedule
If we talk about workouts with heavy loads or about occupations close to professional, then their optimal amount should be 3 times a week. Alternatively - Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Monday, Wednesday, Saturday. The day can be shifted in any direction, the main thing is that there is a break of one day between going to the gym. Then, on each individual day, the exercise schedule should include the study of various muscle groups, for example:
- Monday: back and arms.
- Wednesday: legs and abs.
- Friday: chest and shoulders.
Warm-up is required before each lesson, and stretching at the end.
When sports are of a health-improving nature, light workouts can be done almost daily. For a short run in the morning, you do not need special pauses, but if you wish, you should give your body a rest once a week. Gentle stretching of muscles also does not require interruptions: Pilates, stretching, yoga can be practiced 6 days a week.
It is still worth attending intensive group workouts on schedule. Active classes should be alternated every other day with static classes. Such a schedule will allow you to efficiently and correctly regulate your weight and achieve a fit body, while giving the body adequate rest.
If you don't have enough free time
In a situation where time is sorely lacking, and the only free days are weekends, you will have to go to training only twice a week. Now fitness clubs are increasingly offering their clients weekend passes. They cost much less, and at the same time, a person gets the opportunity to visit an equipped place for classes on Saturdays and Sundays.
Such a schedule assumes an active load for two days in a row, in which you need to have time to work out all muscle groups. For example, on Saturday, pay attention to the upper body: arms, shoulders, chest, and on Sunday, train the lower part: legs, abs, back. It will be correct to set aside at least one more day for training in the middle of the week, so that the body remains in good shape. If this is not possible, it is worth setting aside 20 minutes daily for light exercises or stretching, this will allow the muscles not to lose what they gained over the weekend.
In any case, it should be remembered that active and hard training without rest can only do harm, since the body needs to recover from serious work in the gym. However, any actions without regularity are also meaningless, since only classes with the correct frequency will help to develop and consolidate the result.