Probably every person who has started to play sports or is just planning to go in for sports has a question: can sports harm me, and if so, how? Let's analyze this question, starting from the top, and end with separate exercises.

Amateur and professional
If you have chosen sports in order to keep your body in good shape, then you have nothing to fear. Sport will be beneficial for you and will help you achieve the desired results. However, if you plan to play sports professionally, then certain difficulties may arise here.
As you know, professional athletes have to train much more than ordinary people, which means that their bodies are subject to constant overload. In addition to this, athletes sometimes have to take doping, which can greatly harm the body.
Many professional athletes often face health problems towards the end of their careers. It is much easier for an amateur in this matter, since he does not expose his body to such strong loads. Also, his body does not experience excessive stress. But this does not mean that playing sports is always absolutely safe for an amateur.

Kind of sport
It is very important to remember that different sports have different effects on health. For example, boxing, football, weightlifting can lead to injuries not only for professional athletes, but also for amateurs. A person going to such sports sections is aware of the possible danger. But this does not mean that this sport is not worth doing. The main thing is to know when to stop and not to bring your studies to fanaticism.
The most rewarding sports activities will certainly be outdoor activities such as walking, running or working out. Other useful activities include cycling and swimming. It is also very good if you can combine exercises for all muscle groups. In addition, when tempering physically, one should not forget about the spirit. Yoga classes can help you here.

Bottom line. Should you go in for sports?
Each person must answer this question himself. It is important to remember that, despite the listed disadvantages of sports, it has a huge mass of advantages. Sport improves health and leads to physical development. The main thing is to know when to stop and not to cross the line of playing sports and thoughtless fanaticism. After all, sport should be an assistant and support for you in difficult life situations, and not a problem and a heavy burden.