Why Do Legs Hurt From A Rope

Why Do Legs Hurt From A Rope
Why Do Legs Hurt From A Rope

Often times, jumping rope leads to pain in the legs. This may be due to a number of reasons. Sometimes it is enough to change your shoes or start to warm up well before jumping to get rid of the pain.

The pleasure of jumping rope
The pleasure of jumping rope

Ten minutes of jumping rope is equivalent to thirty minutes of running, if we consider the load on the cardiovascular and respiratory system and muscles. Jumping rope is great as a warm-up in the gym, with a punching bag, and so on. This is probably one of the best ways to warm up your body before hitting a punch.

Not only avid athletes, but also beginners are engaged with the rope. At the same time, many both beginners and experienced athletes often complain of pain in the legs after jumping rope. Why can pain occur? There are a number of main reasons that lead to leg pain.

Reason one - poor warm-up

Do not think that jumping rope should be immediately upon entering the hall. To begin with, you need to stretch for at least five minutes using the usual swings with your arms, legs, squats, back bends, and so on. In this case, the main emphasis is on the hands, back and legs. It's a good idea to sit down a few times, but at a slow pace. This will stretch your knees. You should also pay attention to the warm-up of the ankle.

After a light warm-up, you can start jumping rope at a slow pace. When profuse sweating begins, the pace should be increased.

The second reason is the wrong jumping technique

Jumping rope must be performed according to certain rules. The jumps are low, but frequent, while the legs do not bend. You shouldn't always jump on two legs. When you feel fatigue in the muscles, you can jump on one leg, alternating them every two or three jumps, as boxers do.

When jumping, the back is straight, the gaze is directed forward. In the first workouts, you should jump no more than two minutes per approach, after which you should take a break to rest your legs and restore breathing. In total, you can do three approaches, otherwise the next day the muscles will hurt a lot.

The third reason is physiological features

Unfortunately, jumping rope is not for everyone. The fact is that some of us suffer from flat feet, or underdevelopment of the thigh muscles, knee joints. If your legs hurt after jumping rope, it is best to see a doctor. There are special exercises for eliminating foot defects, developing a specific muscle group. It may well be that in a couple of months you will be able to start jumping rope without feeling pain if you eliminate the existing defects.

The fourth reason is the wrong shoes

Quite often people come to training in shoes that are not designed for jumping rope. It is best to jump barefoot. If this is not possible, wear sneakers or comfortable sneakers. It is important that the shoes are in size. When the shoe is small, the foot is compressed and when jumping, the load is unevenly distributed over the leg. As a result, some of the muscles are overstrained, which leads to the appearance of pain.
