Why Are Steroids Harmful?

Why Are Steroids Harmful?
Why Are Steroids Harmful?

Steroids are substances of animal or vegetable (less often) origin with high biological activity. They belong to doping drugs, muscle growth stimulants, are actively used in bodybuilding and other sports. Athletes often deny the harm caused by this medicine, but the facts tell the opposite.

Why are steroids harmful?
Why are steroids harmful?

What are steroids

Most steroids are based on the male hormone testosterone, a growth hormone. Almost all of them belong to the category of drugs and are used in medicine to treat diseases such as muscular dystrophy, various hormonal disruptions, etc. And athletes use them to build muscle mass and increase endurance, often without thinking about the harm they can cause to the body.

In sports, steroids are taken according to a strict scheme, which reduces somewhat the negative effect, but does not completely remove it. At one time, Schwarnegger commented on this: "If you are seriously involved in bodybuilding, then in old age you should have enough money earned on this sport for treatment."

The harm from taking steroids in youth affects the body after 40-50 years, when a sports career is over. This fact, and the fact that steroids give good results, pushes many athletes to take them. In fact, taking steroids is considered justified only in cases where the bodybuilder reaches the limit and without stimulation he is not able to increase his results. But in real practice, very young and immature athletes are "stuffed" with steroids, which is completely wrong.

The harm of steroids

Firstly, for novice athletes, steroids may not bring much benefit and the expected result, but they will harm the internal organs. Young bodybuilders have an excess of their own testosterone in their bodies. And if you start taking it additionally as drugs, then the body will simply stop producing its own in the required volume, and with prolonged use, it will stop doing it altogether. Which is very dangerous for a man and can lead to complete impotence and a change in the body according to the female type.

Secondly, when you suddenly stop taking steroids and training, for example, due to illness, the body is very quickly "blown away". And then restore the old muscle mass "dry", as athletes say, is already very, very difficult.

Thirdly, with regular use of steroids, it is almost impossible to restore normal hormonal levels in the future. And you will have to sit on hormones all your life just to maintain health.

Fourth, when steroids are used in moderate doses, sooner or later, the athlete reaches a "ceiling" and the results no longer improve. Then many increase the dosage. But the hormonal surge to which the athlete exposes himself is capable of provoking such consequences as:

- oncology: brain cancer;

- liver cancer;

- kidney disease;

- depression, cruelty, irritable behavior;

- yellowing of the eyes and skin;

- serious skin problems (acne);

- bad breath;

- rough voice in women;

- body formation according to the type of the opposite sex - breast growth in men and its reduction in women;

- heart attacks;

- nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;

- in men, impotence;

- in women, menstrual cycles fail;

- weakening of the tendons;

- growth retardation.

That is why steroids are especially dangerous for very young athletes.
