People who visit the gym are worried about the same question: how to quickly build muscle mass. Surely the task at hand will seem difficult, but in fact, the whole secret lies in just a few basic rules that will help you achieve the desired relief.

Step 1
When working with a barbell or kettlebell, gradually increase the load either by increasing the weight or by increasing the number of approaches, since the body has the ability to quickly adapt to the loads. A very important point when gaining muscle mass is not swimming, running or cycling. In this case, there is an excess consumption of amino acids and glycogen, that is, strength decreases.
Step 2
Include more fish in your diet, which is high in healthy omega-3 fats. Determine the average number of calories you should consume per day and increase this number by one and a half. This diet should only last for three days, this will significantly increase muscle glycogen levels. Then return to your usual diet, otherwise the extra calories will turn into subcutaneous fat.
Step 3
Take food six times a day (including at night), this is necessary for quick absorption. Since you cannot leave your muscles without food for more than six hours, and you do not want to get up at night and cook food, you can prepare a glass of protein shake in the evening. It is worth noting that it is still better to get proteins from food, and you can take a cocktail only if you can't eat right.
Step 4
Water is the most important material for building muscle mass, your job is to maintain an optimal level of hydrobalance in the body. The required level of water balance can lead to an increase in strength and internal energy. To do this, you must drink at least two and a half liters of water per day; in summer, the amount of fluid consumed can be increased.
Step 5
Do each exercise 8-12 times, this amount is the most optimal for increasing muscle mass. A small number of repetitions (for example, 3-6 times) is only suitable for increasing strength in the muscles, but not for increasing their volume. Choose the optimal weight for yourself, so that you can lift it no more than 12 times (but not less than 8). Do 6-9 sets of an exercise for a specific muscle group.