In order for the body to be proportionally developed, it is necessary not only to build up muscle mass, but also to create relief. There is a set of exercises for the legs that will make them muscular and beautiful.

Step 1
Warm up before each session. As soon as you come to the gym, do not grab the equipment and simulators right away. First, warm up your muscles by jumping rope or pedaling your bike. If these devices are not in the gym, just run around for 5-7 minutes. Warm up the body, do the back stretch and half splits. All this will help prepare your muscles for work and protect you from injury.
Step 2
Do half-squats with a barbell or dumbbells. Take light weight in your arms or shoulders in the first set. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, lower yourself until there is 90 degrees between the lower leg and thigh. As you exhale, carefully return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 9 more times and do 4 sets.
Step 3
Pump the back of your thigh. To do this, you will need a special simulator, which is available in almost any gym. Submerge a few kg. Put your feet under special pillows and lift the weight while inhaling. As you exhale, slowly lower it to the starting position. The number of times is 12, the number of sets is 5.
Step 4
Work on the front of your thighs. This exercise is performed on the same machine as the previous one. Only now you do it while sitting, straightening your legs forward. Do it in the same way as the leg curl.
Step 5
Give relief to the calf muscles. Without pumping this part of the legs, they will not be proportional. This exercise can be performed with a heavy barbell or with dumbbells in both hands. Place a small "pancake" from the bar under the socks of your feet. Take the load in your hands or on your shoulders. Lift it up with just your foot. Lower yourself until your heel touches the floor. Repeat 20 times. Perform 4 sets.
Step 6
Stretch at the end of your workout. Be sure to do half-splits and bends to the legs at the end of the session. This will help to quickly restore "destroyed muscles" and prepare them for subsequent work.