What Is Anokhin's Volitional Gymnastics

What Is Anokhin's Volitional Gymnastics
What Is Anokhin's Volitional Gymnastics

Strong-willed gymnastics was created at the beginning of the 20th century by Dr. Anokhin. Being also an athlete in combination, Anokhin came up with a set of exercises that develop muscles and give strength. A distinctive feature of this gymnastics is the absence of any apparatus. To do the exercises, you just need to stand in front of a mirror and turn on your willpower.


Many outstanding athletes of the 20th century were engaged in Anokhin's system. The famous fighter and heavyweight Samson used volitional gymnastics, and the legendary brigade commander Kotovsky also trained according to this system. Anokhin himself said that his gymnastics does not endow superhuman abilities, but allows him to strengthen his health, gives beauty to the shapes and outlines of the figure. And most importantly, it returns the natural strength lost as a result of civilization.

Gymnastics is based on willpower

Since no shells are used during the exercise, any muscle tension is controlled only by willpower. A person independently strains certain muscle groups, imitating overcoming resistance. The effectiveness of volitional gymnastics is confirmed by the fact that it is still relevant, including among professional athletes.

Regularly doing Anokhin's gymnastics, the athlete gains power over his own muscles. It does not depend on external factors and strains exactly those muscles that need to be strained to perform a specific task or physical work. No wonder the athletes of the past were so proud of their muscles: they achieved excellent results without barbells, dumbbells, protein shakes and other synthetic foods.

The principles of gymnastics Anokhin

Anokhin's volitional gymnastics is based on eight basic principles. First of all, while doing the exercises, you need to concentrate all your attention on the involved muscle or muscle group. It is necessary to do gymnastics seriously, thoughtfully, without rushing. It is not worth increasing the amount of exercise, it is better to focus on getting all the muscles to work correctly.

Anokhin gave a very important role to the breathing of an athlete. The recommendations for each exercise clearly describe how to breathe while performing this or that movement. Each movement should be accompanied by the greatest tension of the involved muscle and complete relaxation of the remaining muscles. In order to monitor the result, you need to do gymnastics with a naked torso, without leaving the mirror. After doing the exercises, Dr. Anokhin recommended taking a shower and rubbing the body with a towel.

Dr. Anokhin pointed out that playing sports will not give the desired result without proper nutrition. The food should be balanced and varied. The main emphasis on meat should not be done: athletes of the past ate a lot of plant foods and had well-developed muscles.
