How Often Can You Run

How Often Can You Run
How Often Can You Run

It is noticed that it is not so much difficult to start jogging as it is to determine how often to run. Often, muscle pain, fatigue or lack of results lead to frustration with this type of physical activity. Meanwhile, running is suitable for almost everyone, you just need to correctly calculate the schedule and intensity of training.

How often can you run
How often can you run

Newbies looking to see the effect as quickly as possible are wondering if it's okay to run every day. In theory, jogging can be done daily, but this is not always advisable.

How much - depends on the body

One of the main prerequisites for effective running is continuity. If you run for 5 minutes and walk for half an hour, this is not jogging, but just a walk. Fitness experts recommend starting with a 30-60 minute session, during which you will jog at a distance of 20 km.

For the prevention of cardiovascular disease, you need at least two such workouts per week. Only a prepared organism can withstand such a load, therefore, first you need to alternate between running and walking, gradually striving for a continuous run.

How many times per week to run for optimal performance? For a trained body, you need to increase the number of workouts to three per week. This is the maximum, which is not recommended to be exceeded in order to avoid overwork and harm to health. Do not think that the more often you practice, the better the result will be. If the muscles are not given rest, they do not have time to recover and not only do not exercise, but are also at risk of injury.

Once or twice a day?

When deciding for yourself how often you need to run, you need to understand whether your body is immediately ready for a heavy load or is it worth breaking one long session into two shorter ones? For example, when recovering from stretching, it is more advisable to run 5 km in the morning and 5 km in the evening than just 10 km.

Also, when planning the schedule of classes, you need to take into account the terrain on which you will have to run. If it is a dirt or snowy road, the load on the musculoskeletal system will be greater than when exercising on a treadmill.

Keep in mind that running on asphalt or concrete is very harmful to your joints. To soften the recoil of the coating, you need a springy orthopedic shoe. It is also worth considering the weather conditions - if it is raining or hot outside, it is better to take two short runs instead of one long one.

This mode of exercise is suitable for very busy people, beginners in sports or just amateurs. For professionals or runners looking to achieve certain heights in sports, such a schedule is not suitable. They need to be engaged daily for at least an hour, giving the body rest as needed. Usually, professionals take a break from jogging after intense training before the competition, as well as due to illness and injury.
