Despite the fact that one of the most important goals of the modern Olympic movement is the establishment of friendship, equality and mutual understanding between representatives of different countries, athletes still strive primarily for victory in competitions. The best of them receive medals and gifts during the award ceremony - one of the most luxurious and solemn events held in the framework of the Olympics.

A few hours or the next day after the announcement of the official results of the Olympiad, a solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and prize-winners is held. As a rule, several hundred people are involved in organizing and conducting this event, including members of the IOC and the NOC of the country where the Games are held, many invited singers, musicians, dancers, etc., as well as volunteers. Designers play a special role in organizing the event, since it is they who choose the design of the pedestal, the costumes of the ceremony participants, etc.
During the award ceremony, first the athlete or representative of the team that took third place rises to the podium to receive the bronze medal, then the winner, who received the second place, for the silver medal, and finally the winner of the competition, who won the gold. After members of the IOC, NOC or other public figures present medals to athletes, and volunteers or specially hired people present them with flowers or other gifts, the anthem of the country represented by the winner of the competition is played, and the flags of the countries of the winner and prize-winners are raised.
After the award ceremony, festive concerts are held for several hours with the participation of specially invited stars. In some cases, fireworks are arranged after the presentation of awards to the Olympians. The honoring of the winners and prize-winners also continues during the solemn procession held as part of the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games.
In addition to the traditional awards provided by the Olympic Charter, winners and prize-winners in some cases receive additional gifts. For example, in some countries, including Russia, the government prefers to encourage its athletes in order to motivate them to further victories in the Olympic Games, since they have a beneficial effect on the reputation of the state. In such cases, the Olympians can be awarded orders and other insignia, and they can be presented with expensive gifts.